2nd National Level Essay Competition on the Occasion of World Pharmacists Day

On the occasion of World Pharmacists Day, Doctor of Pharmacy Association is organising a National Level Essay Competition 2015.
1) Essays should be typed in a Word Document file (.doc) and can be sent in doc or pdf
Format. Formatting should use 12pt Times New Roman, 1.5 paragraph spacing.
2) The length of the essay must not be longer than 1000 words.
3) Essays must be sent as email attachments to dpapharm@gmail.com. The subject/title of the e-mail should be ‘World Pharmacists Day Essay Competition 2015’.

4) All submissions will be blind reviewed.Please do NOT include your name anywhere except on the cover page.
5) Quotes and references must be clearly marked throughout the essay and properly attributed.
6) All entries must be accompanied with a cover page bearing the following information:
• Full name:
• Corresponding address:
• Valid e-mail address:
• Contact number:
Deadline: 24th of Sep, 24:00(IST) PM, Send your essay to dpapharm@gmail.com