Job prospects in the US after PharmD from India

Hello Students,
                    The PharmD degree in India does not train you adequately to become a clinical pharmacist in the United States. Students here receive very detailed clinical/hospital pharmacy training which is just not available and/or provided in India. The road towards eventually becoming a licensed US clinical pharmacist is a long and arduous one and is also likely only if you have US citizenship or permanent residency. Job prospects for US pharmacists right now are bleak as there are many private schools that have sprung up in the US which offer PharmD degrees. Also many Indian pharmacists who have eventually obtained pharmacist licenses are now facing the prospect of going back to India after their 6 year final H1B visa expiry since it is becoming very difficult for companies to file for a green card for such individuals. If you are thinking of coming and settling permanently in the US your best bet may be to pursue a graduate degree such as a PhD where there is still some employment demand. Overall employment demand for qualified foreign individuals is at an all time low here.

Please let your friends know this before you send me repeated queries as I do not have the time to respond to the same questions over and over again.Thank you very much, Dr. Rajesh Balkrishnan.

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