Pharm.D India:Difference Between Infectious and Contagious Infectious vs Contagious

Diseases are enormously out of control during this period more than ever because of climate change where the climate and weather of different parts of the world has become progressively more irregular. Through the years, words have always been incorporated within the health perspective that most typical persons who discover these words find difficult and confusing to comprehend. Nevertheless, the majority of the population have decided that gaining knowledge of the words used in health and medical areas are for their own benefit. Some terms or words still continue to confuse certain individuals. These terms involve words like “contagious” and “infectious.” Without a doubt, people might think that they sound alike, but this is the reason why it is very important to put them to an examination.

Infectious and contagious diseases are health conditions that confuse most laymen. Infections
can cause diseases that commonly originated from pathogens like bacteria and viruses. These minute microorganisms can enter the body of a person in a way to hinder the homeostasis of the body causing the dilemma. Several infections are transmissible in the aspect that they can reach from one person to a new host. These types of diseases are termed as contagious diseases. There are also conditions wherein the transmission of diseases does not come from human contact. Some conditions are transmitted through vectors such as rodents, insects, or other organisms. Dengue fever is an example of these diseases because a person can get this through a bite of an infected female Aides Egypti mosquito.

Moreover, contagious diseases can be transmitted from one host to another either by inanimate objects that the infected individual got in touch with or direct contact with aninfected person. Several instances describe this condition such as chicken pox and measles which can be rapidly passed through direct contact. This is the reason why when a family member has chicken pox, other members of the family are at a higher risk especially if precautionary measures are not executed.

In contrast with this condition, an infectious disease is more fatal in the aspect that it can be transmitted even without having direct contact with the infected host. This is due to the fact that it is transmissible through water and air. Water and air become carriers of this type of disease. Colds, flu, and other infections that originate from a viral source are contagious diseases. These conditions can be transmitted through direct contact like handshaking, kissing, or touching an infected host. Nevertheless, a person may also get the disease when the pathogen reaches an individual through the air during coughing or sneezing. Utilizing the garments of an infected person may also be the cause of its spread.

The vital information to keep in mind is that not all individuals who are out in the open to an infection that is considered to be contagious become sick. This is due to the fact that several individuals have a higher level of immunity than other people. The immunity level of a person is the main factor when it comes to a decision whether he will have the disease or not. There are also viruses that are difficult to have although the disease is contagious such as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is transmitted sexually, through contaminated needle pricks, and placental transfusion. 


1.Infections can cause diseases that commonly originated from pathogens like bacteria and viruses. These minute microorganisms can enter the body of a person in a way to hinder the homeostasis of the body causing the dilemma.

2.Several infections are transmissible in the aspect that they can reach one person to a new host. These types of diseases are termed as contagious diseases.

3.Infectious conditions wherein the transmission of diseases does not come from human contact are frequent. Some conditions are transmitted through vectors such as rodents, insects, or other organisms. Contagious diseases that are transmitted from one host to another can be either by inanimate objects that the infected individual got in touch with or direct contact with the infected person.

4.Several instances of contagious diseases are described through examples such as chicken pox and measles which can be rapidly passed through direct contact. In contrast with this condition, infectious diseases are more fatal in the aspect that they can be transmitted even without having direct contact with the infected host. This is due to the fact that it is transmissible through water and air.

5.The vital information to keep in mind is that not all individuals who are out in the open to an infection that is considered to be contagious become sick. This is due to the fact that several individuals have a higher level of immunity than other people. The immunity level of a person is the main factor when it comes to a decision whether he will have the disease or not.